What is the Preferred Schematic Report?
The Preferred Schematic Report (PSR) is the second formal submission to the MSBA as part of the Feasibility Study phase of the project. The purpose of the Preferred Schematic Report is to summarize the process and conclusions of the Preliminary and Final Evaluation of Alternatives and substantiate and document the District’s selection and recommendation of a preferred solution. The Report addresses any and all concerns and questions which were raised by the MSBA during its review of the 1st submission. the Preliminary Design Program, and clearly identifies any changes incorporated by the District based on further evaluations and considerations.
Note: Based on review of this submission, the MSBA Board voted on August 28, 2019 to approve the Town of Leicester to proceed into Schematic Design to replace the existing Leicester Primary School, Leicester Memorial Elementary School and the Leicester Middle School with a new PK-8 school facility on the existing Leicester Middle School site.