What is the Preliminary Design Program?

The Preliminary Design Program (PDP) is the first formal submission to the MSBA as part of the Feasibility Study phase of the project. The purpose of the Preliminary Design Program is to define the programmatic, functional, spatial, and environmental requirements of the educational facility necessary to meet the District’s educational program, and perform the review and investigation required to clearly define the existing building deficiencies. Based upon a review of the District’s educational program, the Designer will identify and prepare in written and graphic form for review, clarification, and agreement regarding the educational goals and programmatic space needs for the subject school. The space needs along with an evaluation of existing conditions and site development requirements will form the basis of the Designer’s recommendation for an evaluation of alternatives upon which the most educationally appropriate and cost effective solution may be recommended.  

The PDP submission included concept diagrams which are very early diagrams intended to show options for siting, building size, shape and approach. Please note that at this very early stage in the design process, these drawings do not reflect program layout adjacencies and details.